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Auto Reject Emails with Greenhouse
Kevin Fu avatar
Written by Kevin Fu
Updated over 8 months ago

When you reject applicants in within Endorsed through the Reject button or through the Bulk Reject , Endorsed will tell Greenhouse to fire rejection emails if emails are fully configured within Endorsed properly.

Currently, automatic emails are set to send in ~2 days after you reject an applicant. Reach out us directly or to [email protected] if you need a different configuration.

  • Bulk Reject Feature

  • Reject Button

To ensure the emails are fully configured, ensure the following:

  1. Verify your Login Email: The email that you logged into Endorsed in is the exact same email you use in Greenhouse. This is necessary for compliance / auditing purposes. Endorsed cannot change applicant stages or tell Greenhouse to send emails if the email is not matching.

  2. Configure Rejection Reason & Email for each Job: On the Job Manage page, ensure that your Rejection Reason and Rejection Email Template is configured for that job. Both of these are REQUIRED for Endorsed to both reject applicants in your Greenhouse ATS and trigger Greenhouse to send rejection emails.

  3. Verify Emails are Working: Reject an applicant you are confident should be rejected in Endorsed in less than a minute. Then, click the View in ATS button in Endorsed (you may need to refresh the page). You should see the applicant is rejected for the job and and and email is scheduled to be sent on a specific date / time.

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