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Okta Integration
Kevin Fu avatar
Written by Kevin Fu
Updated over 9 months ago

Endorsed supports login via Okta if your organizations requires it. Below is the end to end steps for getting set up

I. Setting up the Application in Okta

Here are the steps to get set up and verify your Okta integration with Endorsed:

  1. Login into your Okta account as an Admin

  2. Navigate to Applications in the left side pane

  3. Click Create App Integration

  4. Select the new app integration configuration

    1. OIDC as the Sign-in method.

    2. Select Web application as the Application type, and set the following parameters

  5. Fill out the General Settings

    1. App integration name: Endorsed

    2. Sign-in Redirect URI: Copy the following sign-in redirect URI

    3. Trusted Origins:

  6. Under Login under General, set the following settings

    1. Login initiated by

    2. Application visibility

  7. Share the following details with the Endorsed Team

    1. Client ID and a Client Secret with the Endorsed team to connect your application

    2. Company Logo Link: (Optional) Share a link to your company's logo with Endorsed so that it can be displayed when users use SSO.

    3. Okta Domain: Your organization's okta domain at the top left of the Okta page

II. Endorsed Side Configuration

Once you have provided the details, the Endorsed team will set up the Enterprise Connection to enable your organization to login using Okta once users enter the Endorsed application. Reach out to the Endorsed team directly, [email protected], or [email protected] and Endorsed will provide the following:

  1. Test Link: A test link for part III for quickly testing the integration

  2. Unique Organization Name: for users to login with SSO with.

III. Test the Integration

  1. Assign a user to test with to the Application created in Okta

    1. Go to Applications -> Applications on the left side panel in Okta

    2. Click the Endorsed application you recently created

    3. Click Assignments

    4. Assign users for testing purposes to the application

  2. The Endorsed team will provide a link to test the connection. Use the link to test the login

    1. If you see a success page like the following it indicates the test is working!

IV. Onboard your Organization

  1. Assign any users to the application that should have access to Endorsed

    1. Go to Applications -> Applications on the left side panel in Okta

    2. Click the Endorsed application you recently created

    3. Click Assignments

    4. Assign users for who should have access to the Endorsed application

  2. Have users login to Endorsed using SSO.

    1. Go to and click "Sign In"

    2. Sign in w/ SSO

    3. Enter your Organization Name (ex: endorsed-demo-org)

    4. Authorize the Application by clicking Accept

    5. Your user should now be logged in!

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